Project shows philosophy in its very name: Charisma (Environmental Quality of International River Nature Reserves of the Water Environment). Task of this program is to preserve and improve water quality of rivers Laboreiro and Troncoso. All activities included in the project intend to value the importance of keeping the masses optimal.
Under the terms of the AGREEMENT ON COOPERATION FOR THE PROTECTION AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF WATERSHED - commonly called Albufeira Convention - signed in 1998 and implemented in 2000 by the Kingdom of Spain and Portuguese Republic, both States agree to define the framework for cooperation between the parties to protection of surface water and groundwater, and aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems directly dependent on them and to the sustainable use of water resources in river basins.
This Convention applies to the watersheds of rivers: Miño, Limia, Duero, Tajo and Guadiana, and is oriented to activities aimed at promoting and protecting the health of the waters of these river basins and utilization of water resources, especially those that cause or are likely to cause transboundary impacts.
Water Boards of both sides of the border, with CHARISMA Project, are firmly committed to evaluate and control the quality of the waters of the two rivers of reference in the project, Laboreiro and Trancoso.
Thus, by the impetus given to the installation of a control station at Trancoso, there will be two studies to characterize environmental quality of both rivers on the basis of a limnological study of rivers Trancoso and Laboreiro to the characterization of reference conditions of water ( study analyzed the river associated ecosystems : fauna, flora, riparian vegetation , biological , hydromorphological and physicochemical in water quality ), and a study of water quality in headwaters at Laboreiro and its influence on the state of the river nature reserve.