
Calidad ambiental de las reservas naturales fluviales internacionales y del medio acuático

El proyecto

Legal Framework of the Project

Network of river nature reserves

(art. 6 Water Framework Directive WFD)


1)To protect and preserve river stretches which have not been altered by human action

2)To maintain river stretches that are representative of biological diversity and to use these stretches as points of reference within the scope of the objectives set by the Water Framework Directive (WFD).

3)To achieve a real network of biological corridors of fluvial nature capable of structuring the preserved areas which make up Red Natura 2000.

Cooperation and joint management of international basins

The Hydrological plans of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Miño-Sil and the ARH-Norte propose the Laboreiro river and the Trancoso river to be declared River Nature Reserves, in order to preserve unaltered river stretches with little or no human intervention (art. 42 1b Consolidated Text of Water Law).