
Calidad ambiental de las reservas naturales fluviales internacionales y del medio acuático

El proyecto


Project Manager

Confederación Hidrográfica del Miño-Sil (Hydrographic Confederation of the Miño-Sil)

Autonomous body under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment which has been assigned the functions of the Water Administration regarding the hydrographic demarcation of the Miño-Sil.

CH Miño Sil

Project Partners

Autoridade da Região Hidrográfica do Norte I.P (Authority of the Hydrographic Region of North I.P) ARH do Norte is a Peripheral Public Institution integrated in the Indirect Public Administration, responsible for the preservation and enhancement of the environmental components of the water. Its mission is to achieve the sustainable management of water resources in the Northern region.

ARH Norte

Chamber of Melgaço

Câmara Municipal de Melgaço

Other beneficiaries

Chamber of Arcos de Valdevez

City Council of Entrimo

City Council of Padrenda