Trancoso river and Laboreiro river
- Rivers that have an excellent status of ecological quality and a proper preservation of its banks.
- Both rivers have been proposed as River Nature Reserves in the Spanish and Portuguese River Basin Management Plans.
- Natural border between the Spanish municipalities of Padrenda and Entrimo and the Portuguese municipality of Melgaço.
- The need to create mechanisms of cooperation between/on behalf of both hydrological authorities in order to develop joint actions to preserve and enhance the rivers Trancoso and Laboreiro.
- Both rivers have a privileged location in/within the community SCI (Sites of Community Importance), such as a Galician Natural Park, a Portuguese National Park and a Cross-border Biosphere Reserve.
Municipalities Involved
- Spain: Entrimo and Padrenda
- Portugal: Melgaço and Arcos de Valdevez
Status of the hydraulic public domain
- After being studied and evaluated, the ecological condition of the Trancoso river has been found to be very good. Evaluating the human influence present in the flow towards the body of water, it is also worth mentioning that, overall, it is a sparsely populated area with no significant human influences. Therefore, this mass of water is proposed to be considered as a River Nature Reserve.
- The Laboreiro river is located mostly in the heart of the Biosphere Reserve. By proposing that it be a River Nature Reserve, it has been taken into account that the assessment of the ecological condition of the Laboreiro stream has shown its status to be very good. Therefore, this body of water is proposed to be considered as a River Nature Reserve.
You can view Trancoso and Laboreiro (mapa 1) larger map