Calidad ambiental de las reservas naturales fluviales internacionales y del medio acuático
Activity 3 - Recovery and Conditioning
Rio Laboreiro, contorno
Proyecto CARISMA
- 1. Clearing of areas invaded by vegetation along 23.832 m of trails.
- 2. Weeding of areas invaded by vegetation along 23.832 m of trails.
- 3. As a consequence of the results 1 and 2, is expected to improve the accessibility of trails recovered.
- 4. As a result of the outcomes 1, 2 and 3, is also expected to improve communication on foot between bordering areas.
- 5. Increased sustainable fishing activities developed so far.
- 6. As a result of improving the accessibility and attractiveness: increasing the number of hikers in the area.
- 7. Increased knowledge of the area, as a result of the increased number of hikers.
- 2 projects conditioning river banks, Laboreiro and Trancoso.
- 4 actions of clearing and weeding margins and banks, as well as ensuring access margins and slopes.
- 4 gateways rehabilitated.
- 1 wooden gazebo on river cascades toward Laboreiro.
- 2 cattle grids.