Calidad ambiental de las reservas naturales fluviales internacionales y del medio acuático
Activity 1 - Quality and Flow Control
Proyecto CARISMA
1. Analysis of ecosystems associated with rivers and Laboreiro Trancoso: fauna, flora, riparian vegetation, biological indicators, hydromorphological and physicochemical framed in water quality.
2. Characterization of the terms of reference of the type of water body reserves.
3. Analysis of water quality in the headwaters of the river Laboreiro and its influence on the state of the river nature reserve.
1. Limnological study of Laboreiro and Trancoso, facing characterization of water body types. This study analyze the river associated ecosystems: fauna, flora, riparian vegetation, biological, hydromorphological and physicochemical.
2. Study on water quality in the headwaters at Laboreiro and its influence on the state of the river nature reserve.