
Calidad ambiental de las reservas naturales fluviales internacionales y del medio acuático

Activity 1 - Quality and Flow Control

  • 1. Analysis of ecosystems associated with rivers and Laboreiro Trancoso: fauna, flora, riparian vegetation, biological indicators, hydromorphological and physicochemical framed in water quality.
  • 2. Characterization of the terms of reference of the type of water body reserves.
  • 3. Analysis of water quality in the headwaters of the river Laboreiro and its influence on the state of the river nature reserve.


  • 1. Limnological study of Laboreiro and Trancoso, facing characterization of water body types. This study analyze the river associated ecosystems: fauna, flora, riparian vegetation, biological, hydromorphological and physicochemical.
  • 2. Study on water quality in the headwaters at Laboreiro and its influence on the state of the river nature reserve.